Norval Morrisseau and the sands of time....(A Shaman's Dream 1995)

Copyright: Norval Morrisseau - A Shaman's Dream, 1995

Good day friends, I certainly wish each and everyone a great blessing of love, light and laughter. Life is good. I am very grateful these days for the many changes and cycles that we are all going through as human beings on this journey of life. Speaking of gratitude, I have often reflected on the beauty of this particular painting titled: A Shaman's Dream, executed in and around 1995, it is a premium painting in that the subject matter is quite captivating and the general theme of the idea surrounding this painting is perhaps one of Norval Morrisseau's crowning achievements. It's simply.....beautiful.

There are still many questions these days surrounding the art and legacy of Norval Morrisseau. As I have stated many times throughout these situations and circumstances surrounding the authenticity of what is a Norval Morrisseau painting, it's going to take time for these things to come to light. Just because the news papers are starting to report on some of these things, does not necessarily mean that there is a resolution to these very problems. IT'S GOING TO TAKE TIME....

It is my belief that the spirit of these things will eventually find their resolution. I recently received a few e-mails concerning these reports throughout the media, and my answer is that although these things have and are still being discussed through the media, the wheels of justice move very slow. That's just the way it is. 

I did mention to these folks though, that rest assured, I believe that justice will prevail. Once again, it just takes time the meantime, enjoy yourselves. Live life as fully as you choose to. The Norval Morrisseau art fraud issues will work itself out. Not in the papers though, neither will any of these websites or blogs provide justice for Morrisseau either. My opinion for those who don't know what a real Norval Morrisseau painting is will have to rely on the Ontario Superior Court. I would think that  this will bring definitive answers and a sound judgement based on whatever evidence is being brought forth for those who have these concerns.  Im sure that many other suits will eventually follow. It just takes time....I will tell ya one thing, Im sure grateful that I know what a Norval Morrisseau original painting is....all my relations, MAJ

Here's a video I found which basically says everything there is to say about the art and legacy of Norval Morrisseau at this time....take a look, it's deep: