P.S: The name he gave himself "spirit walker" means absolutely nothing, he made it up in his own head! Nice work skins!
Sounds like something "spirit chaser" did, he made the fuckin name up too….losers!
Who is Ugo Matulic? A completely novice "wanna be" Morrisseau art collector who got ripped off buying dozens of Fake Morrisseau's sourced from a suspected art fraud ring in Thunder Bay Ont.
Ugo Matulic claims 6 years of research on his blog: norvalmorrisseau.blogspot.ca, but what's very interesting about his 6 years of research is that he continues to not know what the evidence is, he ignores the evidence and he tries to distort the evidence. Ugo Matulic is still in complete denial about the reality or even the possibility that there are fake Norval Morrisseau paintings circulating the Canadian art market. When in fact, every real expert and any "authority" that I've talked with, suspects fakes along with the majority of 95% of the Morrisseau art collectors that I've talked with, they all completely and unanimously agree that indeed, there is a serious issue with fakes concerning the artistic legacy of Norval Morrisseau.
Are you that sick Ugo? 6 years of research and you still haven't come to understand the reasons why Norval Morrisseau fakes could be a reality? It's the same reason why you bought them in the first place…..to invest your money. You don't think for one second that there could be fakes out there and that you yourself got taken? Wow, if that is even true, about you not being ripped off, then Ugo, you really are a sick, sick person. The delusion that you live in must be so beautiful huh Ugo? I mean hey, dressing up as "Alice in Wonderland" and admiring your reflection as you dance around in your shim sham apartment in Calgary AB. must be as fun as rolling around in pig shit.
Im going to tell you the truth, and the truth is Ugo, you got "ripped off" or as its more commonly known - scammed, taken, fooled, robbed, deceived, defrauded. Just like Kevin Hearns, just like John McDermott, just like Don Robinson and those at KRG, Maggie Hatfield, Rob Scott, Jackie Bugara, David G. Barnes (I knew David in Toronto long before he ever owned a fuckin Morrisseau ok pal) - ask him, he was buying up Jacobson's on paper with his old business partner years before he was ever a Morrisseau collector, David Voss got fucked too by those fakes, so did Randy Potter that piece of shit and he knows it, same goes for Rolf Scheider, Bryant Ross, Artworld of Sherway did too, Hill's native art, Jonathan Browne, Michael Moniz did too - God rest his soul, Marlowe Goring, Jimmy White too, Gallery on da lake….and as I've stated for years now, countless other hopefuls who thought they had the goods - only to find out what many now know, that yes, fake Norval Morrisseau's are indeed a massive issue and serious problem.
But you Ugo? You? Your still the last one to give in huh pal? Either way, I don't give a shit about whether or not you understand the depth to how you got fucked by those fakes, in fact, Im kinda happy you got fucked. You've been such a big sucky baby anyhow. All you can do is continue on behind that bullshit mask of yours and sell your lies as though you think you can convince the world that the rest of the 95% are wrong, oh and maybe a slight few losers left like you, who continue to sell the dream….but in your heart Ugo, your heart, that's where it hurts buddy….and I suspect you know it all too well when you rest your pitiful head on the pillow at night. Im sure you are haunted in those nightmares you have that indeed, you got... "DEFRAUDED", and I don't have to tell you by who, you know his name.

Pictured here is: Skinwalker a.k.a. Ugo Matulic - the worst researcher I've ever known on the art & legacy of Norval Morrisseau, 6 years of research and counting….and still, still, he doesn't know he got defrauded out of his hard earned money….I suspect Lamont laughed his way "all the way" to his personal bank accounts. Nice one huh Matulic?Any how, heres the thing Matulic, heres what I want you to know. You are no doubt, the worst researcher I've ever known on Morrisseau art, let alone the woodland school of art. You don't know shit, you don't know shit about what is and what isn't a Morrisseau, and you don't know shit about how deep this sickness is.
I told you before and Im going to tell you again: You are a victim of art fraud. You are powerless just like the rest who got ripped off Ugo, until this thing gets into Ontario Superior Court. Never mind that idiot judge who got robbed too, your night in shining armour, Judge Paul J Martial….a small claims court "part time judge" who gave perhaps the worst decision I've ever seen by a small claims court.
Don't worry Ugo, time will tell the story as I've stated before, you delusional types will see the "big picture" soon enough. Just as it was stated in the article by James Adams of the Globe and Mail, here's the link:
Fraud Ring produced fake Morrisseau paintings, claim alleges where it states this:
“we have significant, direct evidence to support the allegations made in that portion of the claim but, of course, that evidence will have to be ruled on by the courts.”Ontario Superior Court that is. Never mind this foolish and uninformed decision by some judge who bought the bullshit by good ol Wille and your favourite bullshitter of all time: Joe McLeod. I sense that chapter will get righted at some point, but not in a small claims court. I believe the bigger court of "Ontario Superior Court" will come to a much more defined ruling when that time comes to fruition. Like an artist's legacy one painting at a time Ugo, all these pieces of the puzzle have formed a picture of gargantuan proportions. In fact, Im fuckin blown away….
In the meantime I leave you with this old picture I found of you on the inter-net Ugo Matulic, remember this one of you playing with your Fake Morrisseu devices:
Nighty night Matulic, and please, please, don't let those bed bugs bite….truthfully yours,
Mark Anthony Jacobson - a real and authentic Norval Morrisseau expert and researcher…
I know Ugo…I know….the truth hurts, but the thing about the truth is that: "Truth has no agenda but to tell the truth"…its actually that simple!
Oh and another thing:
"No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it."
Albert Einstein